CVMA® Chapter 32-4
The CVMA® Huachuca Mountain Chapter 32-4 is composed of members from South Eastern Arizona and Cochise County. The Chapter was formally incorporated as an LLC and granted its 501c(19) status on September 11, 2014.
We are a nonprofit Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles, located in Sierra Vista, AZ. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help local veterans and their families, or simply to say “Thank You” and “Welcome Home.”
Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service), Auxiliary Members (the spouses of Full Members), and Supporter Members (those who have non-combat military service, and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans). Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces, with several serving in combat areas now.
CVMA® in Arizona
There are currently nine chapters in Arizona. You can find out more information about each chapter by clicking below to access their website or Facebook page. If you have problems getting in contact a specific chapter, please feel free to contact us.
Each Chapter is independently run, but is governed by the national, regional (Region 8), and State Bylaws.
The Arizona state website can be found here at
The national website can be found here at